The Universe or Creation is in all persepective a composition and compilation of gradient spheres graded by degree of sequential distinguished species of homogeneity. This is a composite classification of homogeneous, quality and the compatibility of elements and its sediments in nature. The different gradations are accompanied by motivated , forceful tension, that generates pressure amounting to temperature degree, promoting filtration and defining the boundaries or the outpost. The terminal outpost of residues or the filtered precipitation residues will consequently manifest into forms of lesser tension , degree in temperature, gradation of species. Force exercise motivation that generates a motional effect, which becomes the driving force and also the parameter setter and criteria. On every intermediate gradations exist, indepent force, that set the gradient into motion and quantifies and also quantum its parameters. Force diminishes with every gradation of transitional cooling-off process. At every gradient, degree of temperature determines the gradational specification of the homogeneity of the species, because at every boundary outpost , the driving force is gradually diminished and cooling-off, after attaining, its peak of maturity, ripeness. Gradations determines the gradient harmonious conditions of homogeneity. The forceful Radiation of the Light particles diminishes at every distancing progression away from the source . Observation has shown elemental rings and spheres of homogeneous species. Cohesive and compatible in the qualities, and elements. Elements cluster compatibly to create a potential premise of organization and dispensation. Elemental particles are from nature the dispensation of Water elemental particles, the Fire elementals, the Air elementals, and the Earth elementals. Force is generated in diffrent grade of temperature and dimension, just suitable for the gradient concerned. The Gulf between the Light waves radiation and Dark wavelength emission is pre-occuppied with material sbstancies. Matter being everything visible to the naked eye, is driven and animated to retain and sustain warmth externally. Matter or Material substance does not possess independently the ability to generate its own Heat or Warmth. Matter usually warms up from without, dependent on Forces of Nature to supply heat or warmth. The in-ability of matter to generate independently is due to the fact that, Matter is ethereal residue manifesting into substantiable precipitation of static, immobile density without tension or pressure. The precipitation of Light waves results into the propagation of homogeneous rings and spheres of compatibile diminishing of pressure and tension, degreed into receding gradience of cascading sequence. Consistency in matter can only be achieved through frequency. Frequency in matter amounts to period of enoblement to achieve maximum potentiality and Maturity.Constancy, consistency of pressure retain to perpetuate the pressure , to a constant tension pressure temperature, which is maintained at all times. Matter does not possess the required force to generate independently pressure, to maintain a constancy of motion. Matter , a precipitational residue progressing out of, the development of substantiable material residual precipitation. Precipitation is a developing of dense immobilization of residual precipitative particles, matter. The Gulf filled by matter, is the Gulf between the Light WAves and Dark waves. Matter is composed into , GASEOUS , FLUID ,AND SOLID FORMS, A FINE DENSE STATE OF FORM, AN INTERMEDIATE DENSER STATE OF FORM, AND A GROSS DENSEST STATE OF FORM. This are precipitative dense gradient layers of form manifestation, yet to develop further into maturity and ripe state. These forms are progresively formed and also as result of the diminishing effect of the cooling-off, terminal outward boundaries. Water Element, possesses the physical element, hydrogen and combines with oxygen to process water molecules. Air Element, possesses all gaseous element, Earth Element, possesses all the mineral resources, Fire Element possesses the combination of both chemical and gaseous to process its progression. FLAME :- A THERMAL FRICTIONAL COMBUSTION BASED ON A RAPID GASEOUS VOLATILE PROCESSING.