It is rather pitiable to observe exactly how the human spiritual beings, who have dilligently right upon the gross material earthly plane, work at the retrogression, and consequently thus, at their detrimental destruction, under the delusion, that they are in fact thereby "striding upwardly"!
The Gross Material, Human Spiritual Beings, a down-tone is attached to the "name" of this "creature" called human spiritual beings, because of the norms and nature, within the errors perpetrated by the human spiritual beings" erroneous concepts..
A very consequential bitter, after-taste, is definitely attached, to the "name", of this creature, because everything in Creation which is "weaving", within "The Will of ALMIGHTY GOD, and which would consequently seemingly better appreciated, for the human spiritual beings, if this very "name", were no longer "uttered", because whenever, the "name", is made mentioned of, consequently, "vexation" and "uneasiness" treacherously penetrate, the entire Creation, at a simultaneous timing, something which inevitably lay a "burden" upon the human spiritual beings, right upon the gross material earthly plane; because this particular "vexation" or "anger", and this very "ineasiness", are "a living accusation", which reciprocally "forms Itself", most "automatically", and homogeneously and reciprocally, it must "confront" all the human spiritual beings, on the gross naterial earthly plane most adversely.
Due to the "wrong activity", which nade itself, rather conspicuous, in this Creation, by "obstructing", "hindering", disturbing, and only continually causing harm or doing only whatever is adversely "harmful" and "injurious", up to an obnoxious stage, that the human spiritual beings, at last, have become "OutLaws", right here upon the gross material earthly plane, through themselves, consequently through their ridiculous pretences, of knowing everything, rather better than every one else
The human spiritual beings, had "contumaciously" and "forcibly" brought about, their consequenting "expulsion", because, the human spiritual beings, made themselves rather "indispuesto", and consequently "unable" and also "ncapable of simply, "receiving" the "blessings" of ALMIGHTY GOD, with "profound humility, as human spiritual beings.
The human spiritual beings, wanted to make themselves, "the creators", the "achievers".
The human spiritual beings desired to "enforce" the "Activity" of The ALMIGHTY GOD, entirely, into complete submission, to "their" gross material earthly Wisdom and Free-Will!
There is still no syllable syntax sentence, that could possibly, properly describe, such "conceited arrogance", developing from the human spiritual beings, also from it"s very boundless unrestrined contumacy!
The human spiritual beings should endeavour to take a cautious look at this hardly credible behavour, themselves.
If only to envisage, about the human spiritual beings, co-habiting upon the surface of the gross material earth, and also precisely how by assumption, of "an air of importance", they consequently wished to place themselves, right "above the mechanism", of their "marvellous work" of "A Divine Creation" (which has uo-till the moment, obviously was not known to the human spiritual beings), just in order to "direct it", (the mechanism), rather than "willingly" fitting themselves, right into "the mechanism", just as "small parts", belonging thereof.....then the human spiritual beings would not know, whether to "laugh" or "weep"!
A road standing before a very high rock and desiring to order, this "rock" to "move out" of "the way" for the "road" to "proceed", it"s course, does not "produce" so quite a ridiculous or absurd an effect, as does the current human spiritual beings, who presently come to "awakening", within the "Judgment".
The human spiritual beings would inevitably be seized with dismay, shuddering, and also "horror", whenever, and also through recognizing The Luminous Truth.
Suddenly, the human spiritual beings shall behold everything, right, before them, just as they have, in reality been, for a very long time, albeit, the human spiritual beings were unable, in the past, to take notice of this occurrence, in this very manner or way.
Currently, human spiritual beings are filled with "shame", and consequently attempt to flee, right to the other end of all the Worlds1
And the "covering", which "veiled", would presently be "torn to pieces", and consequently "ground to powder", as the grey "remains", invariably flutter helter skelter, all over the place, right until, "The Ray of The LIGHT, could possibly stream freely, right into the souls, which are "profoundly" tormented, with "the morose of remorse", and also all those particular individual human spiritual beings, within "freshly Awakened", humbleness, would wish to adulate and "bow" with profound reverence before their "Lord", and ALMIGHTY GOD, WHOM, the human spiritual beings, were no longer capable, to "recognize", through "the chaos", which their gross material earth-bound "intellect", apparently "brought about", frequently, and at all given chances of times, whenever the "intellect", would be permitted, unlimited "domination"!