

Vibrant, Radiant, Glows, the covenant of Almighty God, The Father, and eternally stands His Will................... In His Divine Will, manifests gloriously, spiritually visible , the LUMINOUSITY OF GOD"S INVISIBLE COUNTENANCE। The LOVE OF GOD, radiates, the LOGIC OF HIS DIVINE LOVE OF THE PUREST JUSTICE on mankind...............In order for mankind to jubilantly, go through , earth life { material existence } joyously and appreciable for the existential opportunity, and also fully equipped, against evil and dark currents, that might assail him, during his journey, through the world of matter। ...............Man requires to be simple , humble, and obedient, to the Will of Almighty God। Man can only make use of powers that bear the Will of God, when he studies them exactly, thus recognising them and adapting himself to them................................To reckon with or adapt one self to them, thus to submit to them। It means not to go against these Powers, but to go with them, { the Good forces }। Only when man adapts his will to the special nature of these Powers, but to go with them, thus going in the same direction , can he make use of the might of these Powers। Every line of action, enquire responsibility,which invokes desirable reciprocal action, ( KARMA )।Unconditional reciprocal action which in turn brings symbolism in its wake। Since all actions must end where they originated, Each action must end in the same species of substance whence it arose। Thus an ethereal beginning must have an ethereal ending, and gross material beginning, a gross material end ! Men can not see ethereal. But the gross material ending of EVERY HAPPENING is visible to all। For many People, the BEGINNING , is missing, because in most cases IT LIES IN A PREVIOUS gross material existence। Although the greater part of all happenings of reciprocal action takes effect only in the Ethereal World, the OPERATING KARMA can never be completely REDEEMED, unless in some way THE END , MANIFESTS IN THE GROSS MATERIAL WORLD, and becomes VISIBLE there। Only when a VISIBLE happening corresponds to the nature of the reciprocal action can an open cycle BE CLOSED and thus bring about complete REDEMPTION: no matter whether, through the nature of the BEGINNING। The REDEMPTION brings GOOD or EVIL, HAPPINESS or UNHAPPINESS, FORGIVENESS or blessing। It is the very Perfection and immutability of the Divine WIll which precludes any arbitrary INTERFERENCE of GOD in creation। And it is this same perfection which is UNABLE to ELIMINATE, Lucifer,the origin, and the starting of all that is evil, after he had fallen through his wrong ACTIONS।The immutability and perfection of the Divine Will which ptrecludes any arbitrary interference of GOD in creation,also has to allow men to misuse the Natural LAWS, the DIVINE WILL, because the human spirit, in virtue of its Origin, from the ETERNAL SPHERE OF SPIRITUAL SUBSTANTIALITY, has been granted the FREEDOM of decision। THE TURNING POINT.


THE HOLY GRAIL, (excerpt from the message, In the Light of Truth )

THE HOLY GRAIL.........................Manifold are the interpretation of the Legends exists about the Holy Grail ! All strive from below upwards must come to a halt at the boundary line of the material sphere, even if they are granted to conceive the greatest possible heights। And how great is the distance from there to the real understanding of the HOLY GRAIL...........The existing interpretation are not without great ethical value, but they cannot claim to be an explanation of the Legends, much less to approach the truth about the HOLY GRAIL. ..Nor is the HOLY GRAIL meant to be the cup which the Son of God used during His last meal with His Disciples at the end of His Ministry on earth, and in which His blood was afterwards caught when He was on the cross. This vessel is sacred memento of the Son of God"s sublime work of Redemption, but it is not the HOLY GRAIL of which the poets of the Legends were mercifully granted to sing praises..................................PARSIFAL...... IS a great promise ! The defects and errors which then poets have added to the Legends through their earthly way of thinking distort the true essence of this Figure.................A Divine Messenger with His spiritual sight blindfolded, He will have to go through the most bitter hardships on earth, outwardly a man among men...............For this purpose, not just anybody can be chosen, much less can the possible experiences of many people, or even of all the people, be seen in it.................The highest and the most sublime is GOD Himself in His DIVINE UNSUBSTANTIATE. Next and somewhat lower, comes DIVINE SUBSTANTIALITY. Both are eternal. Adjacent to this , going deeper and deeper, follows the work of creation which descending in planes or spheres, becomes denser and denser down to the world of gross matter , which is finally visible to mankind....................At the summit of the eternal sphere of spiritual substantiality, stands the Castle of the Grail, spiritually visible and tangible, because it is still of the same species of spiritual substantiality................................This Castle of the Grail contains a sanctuary which lies on the outermost border adjacent to the Divine sphere, and is thus of still of finer consistency than the rest of spiritual substantiality. In this sanctuary, as a pledge of eternal goodness of GOD the FATHER, as a symbol of His Purest Divine Love, and the point from which DIVINE POWER issues, stands the HOLY GRAIL !...................This is the chalice in which it bubbles and surges unceasingly like red blood without overflowing. Enveloped as it is in the most Luminous Light, it is granted only to the purestof all spirits in the Realm of spiritual substantiality to look into this Light..........These are the guardians of the HOLY GRAIL...............The guardians of the GRAIL are Eternal Primordial Spiritual Beings, Who never were human beings.........However, they are in need Divine Unsubstantiality and Divine Unsubstantiate POWER, are dependent upon It, the source of all POWER, GOD THE FATHER. On this depends the existence of the whole creation ! The Love of the Creator radiantly flows forth in the Temple of the HOLY GRAIL, bringing new life and new urge to create, pulsating downwards and diffusing itself through all universe. A trembling and holy awe with foreboding of joy and great happiness vibrate through all spheres. It is the moment when a new supply of vital energy is sent out into the entire creation ! It is necessary, ever-recurring ratification of the COVENANT between the creator and His Work............Should this supply ever be cut off, should it ever fail to come, inevitably all that exists would dry up, grow old and disintegrate. ........................The end of days would then come, and only GOD HIMSELF would remain, as it was in the beginning, because HE ALONE IS LIFE ...................../Man should cease to regard the HOLY GRAIL as only something intangible, for IT really exists. The human spirit, however, owing to its nature, can never behold IT. But the blessing radiating forth from IT,which can be and is being passed on by the Guardians of the GRAIL, can be absorbed and enjoyed by those human spirits who open themselves to IT.............. Every man, therefore, who imagines that he bears GOD within himself or that he is himself DIVINE, or can become so, lives under foolish DELUSION....................Man bears SPIRITUALITY within himself, but not DIVINITY.........................Man is a creature , not part of the CREATOR, as so many try to make themselves believe.......................Man is and remains a work and never become a MASTER !