


EVEN as the Darkness moved sordidly over Golgotha, when Jesus Christ, The Living Light, departed from this gross material earthly plane, so is it at present, moving also over the human spiritual beings, returning to them, the very "great suffering", the human spiritual beings had "inflicted" right upon The L*O*V*E (Living Omniscience Virtuous Effulgence) of Almighty GOD, in the "cruel and wicked" path of the "cunning intellect, which assumed an utter incapability of any intuitional perceptive vibrations, and which as Lucifer"s most "powerful-tool", the human spiritual beings have so religiously sacred.
Presently, the human spiritual beings should make attempt, also endeavour, if they could, to "protect" themselves, with their "intellect", against ALMIGHTY GOD"S ALL-HOLY WRATH!
The human spiritual beings should defend themselves against THE OMNIPOTENCE OF HIM, WHO Graciously made for them, the "essential-usage" and "utilization", of that very part of Creation, which the human spiritual beings, have thoroughly "devastated" and "defiled", just as "a stable" of the most neglected animal husbandry, so that only "suffering" and "misery" could still "dwell" therein, because all "Peace and "Joy", consequently "flee" before their own very "wrong actions" and "dark volition" and all "Purity", inevitably conceal itself, in abject horror.
Try to hide, human spiritual beings from Almighty GOD"s Inflexible Justice!
It "touches" and most "permeably", connectively "penetrates" the very essential caucus of the human spiritual beings, everywhere, in the "inexorable" Execution of Divine WILL (Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light) of Almighty GOD, without remitting anything, of the enormous "Guilt", with which the human spiritual beings, have consequently "laden" themselves, in their "self-willingness" and "contumacy".
The human sportual beings are cnsequently "judged", eveen before they are able to stammer a single word of excuse, and "all petitioning", "all supplicating", "all blaspheming", or "all cursing", would "avail" the human spiritual beings, actually no dividend; because presently the human spiritual beings have most "unpardonably", wasted the very "last respite", for searching "the soul within", and invariably turning back, merely to "boost" or "foster" their "vices"!

This has not been given as a "warning", because it is rather late for that.
Far be it, from the view point of "continuous admnishment" of the human spiritual beings, just as had been done for decades.
The human spiritual beings are simply and humbly to think of it, in their reccurring and coming experiences!
And for this very reason in particular, it wuld be once more stated, exactly what this "present time", has in store or preparation for the human spiritual beings.
Perhaps, the knowledge of it, would help to "alleviate", numerous "afflictions", for the human spiritual beings, albeit, the human spiritual beings could consequently and no longer prevent anything.
The human spiritual beings "know", it is "the clearing of debt", by the "tax-collector", with which, the human spiritual beings, have voluntarily "burdened" themselves, since no one has "coarsed" them to do this.
If through The Word (Weaving Ordinance Rancous Dispensation) of The Holy Grail Message, could be permitted to come into "recognition" in the "suffering", and if thereby, a "yearning" or "urging" for The Light and for Purity, invariably arises, right within the human spiritual beings, and consequently forms "a humble petition", then the individual personified human spiritual being, "might", "may" or "could" still be "granted salvation", as they are "sinking"; because Almighty GOD"s LOVE, IS PERPETUALLY EVER WATCHFUL!
Then, the human spiritual would consequently be permitted to "witness" the "new" (Natural-norms Essential Worthiness) Life-Existence, which the Lord, would only be "granted" to those human spiritual beings, who have willingly "swung", within "the sacred" Laws (Light Active Weaving), of Almighty GOD"S Creation, and to all those human spiritual beings, who would "keep", Almighty GOD"S MANSION, in which they are but "Guests-Free", frm all activities, that are "hostile" t The Light, and all those human spiritual beings who would not wantonly devastate the "Beautiful Gardens", in whose splendour and Purity, the human spiritual shall evermore "rejoice", inn order to grow therein.
A beckon to the "deluded" human spiritual beings, to "Awaken"!
The human spiritual beings could have been "spared" of so much "hardship".
But just as it is, the Life-Existence of the human spiritual beings must invariably be shrouded in "grey-veils" of "profound sorrow and "agony", from which, only through the piercing flashes of The Holy Wrath of Almighty GOD, can "liberation" and "redemption", once more be "granted" to the human spiritual beings.
And this very "Wrath" would consequently "break-over" the human spiritual beings, with "unsuspected might", in The Holy JUDGMENT! -
But The Judgment Is different, form the human spiritual conception of Judgment.
The human spiritual beings "know" of a BOOK OF LIFE, which would be "OPENED" by THE JUDGE OF ALMIGHTY GOD, at the "appointed hour" for each human spiritual being!
The BOOK OF LIFE "portrays", the "names" of "all creatures", who have "Come To" LIFE (LIGHT INFINITE-FINITE EFFULGENCE), and nothing else.
But the "inscribed pages", belonging to the great BOOK OF LIFE, which ascertively portrays, "The Accreditations for", and "The discreditations against", of every "single thought" and "every single deed of every individual human spiritual beings, which are the "Souls-within" themselves, upon whom, personally, has been "imprinted", and "ompressed", all and also every single thing, which the "soul within" the human spiritual beings had invariably come to experience, or "performed", during the course of their individual exostence.
THE JUDGE, can clearly "Read" inside THE BOOK OF LIFE, "All Accreditations-Por", and also "All discreditations-against".
But, just as always, the human spiritual beings, envisage this "Reading" rather wrongly.
Because this process too, is much simpler, than the human spiritual beings attempt to imagine.
The JUDGE, Does not "Order" Each Soul within the human spiritual beings, To Step-Forth, separately "Before Him", right "Before His Judgment Seat", But In THE NAME OF ALMIGHTY GOD, The JUDGE "Sends" His "Sword-Thrusts", right into the Universe!
The "Sword-Thrusts" are "Radiations", which "Go Forth" and "Touches" everything in Creation!
The human spiritual beings should "endeavour" to "realize" the great simplicity and most exquisite amazing norms naturalness attributive.
THE JUDGE Does not "send" these "Rays" customarily, pre-meditativly, or intentionally to this soul or that soul, or with the conscious knowledge of the recipients.
THE JUDGE Simply "sends" them out, at ALMIGHTY GOD"S HOLY COMMAND.
Because It Is The POWER OF ALMIGHTY GOD, and nothing else but Almighty GOD"S ALL-HOLY Wisdom Incorrigible Living Light, The WILL, could "operate", expiate" and "expedite", in this particular way!

Thus, The Radiation-Thrusts or RRadiations, absolutely penetrate all Creation, but definitely in such a promptness, as they never been before.
Nothing, and no creature is able to hide from "The Effect"!
And thus, within the consequent Working of Creation, The Ray of Divine-Power, also would invariably and definitely "touch" every "soul within" the human spiritual beings, at the very "appointed hour".
When The Divine-Ray, which is "completely invisible" to the "soul within" the human spiritual beings, reciprocally "falls upon" it (the soul within) and also everything which still clings to "the soul within", would and must have to revive and also become manifest and active, thereby consequently enabling the "Last Link", within "The Cycle", which in particular is to be "Closed", because of it"s either impressing and compressing "the soul within" the human spiritual beings, or "Liberating" and "Raising-Up" the "Souls within".
Whatsoever of "wrong" or "evil", such a "soul within", in the "course" of it"s Life-Existence", would already, have been able to "throw-off", through "redemptive experiences", in accordance with the LAWS OF CREATION, is consequently "obliterated", and it would definitely be in such a manner, just as if, it never had occurred, or as if it never had been; meaning that it no longer "clings" to "the soul within" the human spiritual beings, it is consequently no longer imprinted upon "the soul within".
The Souls within, then are consequently "Freed from the impressions, and thereby becoming Loyally Pure to The Laws of Creation, and threfore could "suffer no harm" from It"s Virtuous Prompt Calculation.
Only that, which has not yet attain to "the Closing" of "it"s Cycle", and consequently still possess "cling-on" and is also thereby connected to "the soul within", which in accordance with The Laws (Light Active Weaving) of Creation, is "forthwith Processed" towards The "Closing of The Cycle", within The Pressure of The LIGHT OF ALMIGHTY GOD, in the simple context of when the human spiritual beings, "manifest" into Life-Existence, they "Reveal" themselves, just as they "individually and personally" Attempt To Become "Active", and in so doing, automatically reciprocally also "recieves" The After-Math-Prompt-Summation, exactly and precisely as they "deserve".
The actual After-Math-Prompt-Summation, depends entirely on the "power-strength" of the individual human spiritual beings" volition, which having being released, through the "reciprocal action", is invariably directed, "against" the "souls within", as being "The Point Of Origin".
Everything, be it Good or Evil, os presently and currently been "srengthened", by the "Irresistible Pressure Of The Light, and Virtuously thrust back towards "The Starting-Point", and that is, right back thrustfully towards the "souls within" the human spiritual beings.
And definitely everything which otherwise, in the "cumbersome-movement" f the "precipitated and condensed", hardened environment of all the "souls within" the human spiritual beings, on the gross material eaerthly plane, which consequently and inevitably might have required many thousands of years, in order to Close-Up The Cycle, happen to be presently within the offing, through The Power Of The After-Math-Prompt-Summation, From THE LIGHT, considerably and containably compressed into "a few month of gross material earthly conception, within The Impetus, which is unsuspected by the human spiritual beings.
Such is The Manifestation of THE WORLD JUDGMENT, within It"S Simple Nrrms Naturalness!
This Time, It is The "LAST JUDGMENT", which had been often "proclaimed" to the human spiritual beings.
But The True Manifestation of "THE LAST JUDGMENT" Is evidently and entirely a different picture of what the human spiritual beings had envisaged it to be.
What actually was "formerly proclaimed" to the human spiritual beings was dispensed in pictographic expression, because the human spiritual beings would not have comprehended "THE LAST JUDGMENT" otherwise, if at all.
By The Means or Ways of THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE, However The Knowledge of the human spiritual beings, concerning the "Working" and "Weaving" within Creation, had consequently increasd and advanced further and therefore, more and more could be "revealed" to the human spiritual beings, because presently, they are already able to comprehend an understanding of "THE LAST JUDGMENT", through THE HOLY GRAIL MESSAGE OF ALMIGHTY GOD.
The "SWORD-THRUSTS OF THE LAST JUDGMENT-DAY, "Touches" just as lIGHT-RADIATIONS, promptly penetratingly into Creation, and invariably "Flow-Through" All The Channels, which have consequently, already been formed through the "automatic working" of The Divine LAWS OF CREATION, which are based upon all "intuitive perceptions", "thoughts", "volitions" and also "actions" of the "souls within" the human spiritual beings right up-till the very "Starting-Points of Origins"!
The JUDGMENT RAYS, are therefore "parametered and guided", with "Infallible Certainty", through these "existing channels", towards all "souls within", and right there, consequently "take-effect", on accordance with the "homeostatic state" of the "souls within" the human spiritual beings concerned, but also with such an "accelerated manner", that the human spiritual beings" whole Life-Existencing is cnsequently "brought" to "The Final Closing Of The Cycle", of every and all "Past Activities", within the gross material earthly concept of "few months tenuously, and in exact accordance, containable, with the human spiritual beings" actual homeostatis, would consequently enable these "souls within", to be "uplifted" or "Cast-Down", and to be "animated" and "strengthened" or "destroyed".
Presently and Currently, the human spiritual beings would be able, through The Holy Grail (GOD"S RULING ANCHOR IN LOVE) Message, to urgently comprehend an understanding of "the process", thus described.
Formerly, and in the past, the human spiritual beings could not enable themselves to grasp any comprehensive understanding of THE LAST JUDGMENT, and therefore everything had to be "revealed" consequently in "simple pictographic expression", which "correspond" more or less to the "operation of the process". -
And these AFTER-MATH-PROMPT-SUMMATION Of THE LAST JUDGMENT, are currently and unstoppably, already on their way, towards the human spiritual beings, to each creature in Creation, no matter whether, the human spiritual beings are with or without their gross material earthly physical cloak or body.
The very "First" AFTER-MATH-PROMPT-SUMMATION, has already "reached" the human spiritual beings, and everything that still "cling" to "the soul within" is consequently "revived".
But also THE AFTER-MATH-PROMPT-SUMMATION, that which "brings" the "destruction" or "upliftment", have also been sent forth-out, with an "All-Overwhelming severity", in order to complete "The Great Purification", right upon this gross material earthly plane.
Already, they are fushing right towards the human spiritual beings, and nothing can possibly "Check Their Advances" anywhere.
At The Exact Hour, "appointed" by ALMIGHTY GOD, the human spiritual beings would be inexorably but "justifiably" Touched by THE AFTER-MATH-PROMPT-SUMMATION. -

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